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Market Research Services

Brand Health Monitor

  • Where does your brand stand vis-à-vis competition? (Brand Equity Score)

  • Which specific aspect in Saliency ladder needs to be focused upon to increase brand awareness (Consumer Funnel Analysis)

  • What is your brands imagery residing in consumer's mind? (Brand Image)

  • How unique is the perception of your brand? (Brand Imagery Profiling)

  • How key metrics compare with the competitors that you benchmark against? (Brand Perceptual Map)

Product Innovation
(Concept / Product Testing)

  • Does the new concept / product resonate with consumers? (Likeability)

  • What have consumers specifically liked / disliked? (Spontaneous Mentions)

  • How differentiating / relevant / believable is the new concept / product vis-à-vis competition? (Performance on Key Measures)

  • Which specific consumer segments have shown higher liking? (Potential User Groups)

  • What are the specific improvements required to fine tune the product for market success? (Improvement Areas)

  • What is driving the superior performance of concept / product? (Key Drivers)

Consumer Behavior
(Usage & Attitude / Habits & Practices)

  • What does the consumer Product Repertoire looks like? (Category Usage)

  • Which specific feelings / intention / beliefs consumers have towards certain product formats? (Attitudinal Behavior)

  • How often are product consumed / bought? (Consumption / Purchase Frequency)

  • What are the key moments of consumption / usage to build on? (Key Occasions / Moments)

  • How & from where is the product typically purchased? (Key Channels of Purchase)

  • Which specific ethnic groups show more suitability towards the new product format? (Target Group Analysis)

Price Sensitivity

  • Does the price positioning resonate with the Target Group? (Priced Purchase Intent)

  • At what price should you sell your product? (Van Westendorp / Gabor-Granger Model)

  • What is the margin for commanding premium?

  • For which specific product features are customers willing to pay premium?

  • How does each product feature influence product pricing? (Discrete Choice Model)

Customer Satisfaction

  • How satisfied are your customers overall and on different attributes of your products and services? (Satisfaction Index)

  • How likely are they to recommend your product / service to others? (Net Promoter Score)

  • What is the customer journey map for your brand? (Customer Experience across Touch Points)

  • Which specific pain points led to brand lapsing? (Lapser Analysis)

  • What is driving the customer loyalty? (Driver Analysis)

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