Intelligence your Business Needs
Market Research Services
Brand Health Monitor
Where does your brand stand vis-à-vis competition? (Brand Equity Score)
Which specific aspect in Saliency ladder needs to be focused upon to increase brand awareness (Consumer Funnel Analysis)
What is your brands imagery residing in consumer's mind? (Brand Image)
How unique is the perception of your brand? (Brand Imagery Profiling)
How key metrics compare with the competitors that you benchmark against? (Brand Perceptual Map)
Product Innovation
(Concept / Product Testing)
Does the new concept / product resonate with consumers? (Likeability)
What have consumers specifically liked / disliked? (Spontaneous Mentions)
How differentiating / relevant / believable is the new concept / product vis-à-vis competition? (Performance on Key Measures)
Which specific consumer segments have shown higher liking? (Potential User Groups)
What are the specific improvements required to fine tune the product for market success? (Improvement Areas)
What is driving the superior performance of concept / product? (Key Drivers)
Consumer Behavior
(Usage & Attitude / Habits & Practices)
What does the consumer Product Repertoire looks like? (Category Usage)
Which specific feelings / intention / beliefs consumers have towards certain product formats? (Attitudinal Behavior)
How often are product consumed / bought? (Consumption / Purchase Frequency)
What are the key moments of consumption / usage to build on? (Key Occasions / Moments)
How & from where is the product typically purchased? (Key Channels of Purchase)
Which specific ethnic groups show more suitability towards the new product format? (Target Group Analysis)
Price Sensitivity
Does the price positioning resonate with the Target Group? (Priced Purchase Intent)
At what price should you sell your product? (Van Westendorp / Gabor-Granger Model)
What is the margin for commanding premium?
For which specific product features are customers willing to pay premium?
How does each product feature influence product pricing? (Discrete Choice Model)
Customer Satisfaction
How satisfied are your customers overall and on different attributes of your products and services? (Satisfaction Index)
How likely are they to recommend your product / service to others? (Net Promoter Score)
What is the customer journey map for your brand? (Customer Experience across Touch Points)
Which specific pain points led to brand lapsing? (Lapser Analysis)
What is driving the customer loyalty? (Driver Analysis)